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01 / 12 / 2019
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Suplier alat-alat laboratorium & Intrument untuk berbagai keperluan alat-alat laboratorium Microbiology, Chemical and Reagent, Equipment, Medical dan Glassware.


DC Voltage and Current Signal Generator and Tester for Routine Maintenance of Standard Devices

The Hioki SS7012 is a compact DC signal source and calibrator that is used to perform maintenance or loop tests of instrumentation systems and can be operated from a computer via a USB cable. It can also be used to calibrate thermometers and measure DC voltage and DC current.

Use of the AC Adapter and /or rechargeable batteries and dedicated charger is recommended

■ Basic specifications (Accuracy guaranteed for 1 year)

[Generation functions]

Circuit method Bipolar sink and source
Constant voltage 2.5 V: 0 to ±2.5000 V (±0.03 % of setting ±300 μV, 100 μV resolution)
25 V: 0 to ±25.000 V (±0.03 % of setting ±3 mV, 1 mV resolution)
Constant current 25 mA: 0 to ±25.000 mA (±0.03 % of setting ±3 μA, 1 μA resolution)
Thermoelectric power generation K: at TC: 0 ˚C, -174.0 to 1372.0 ˚C (±0.05 % of setting ±0.5 ˚C, 0.1 ˚C resolution), Other types: E, J, T, R, S, B, N selectable
Thermoelectric power generation K: at TC: RJ, -174.0 to 1372.0 ˚C (±0.05 % of setting ±1.0 ˚C, 0.1 ˚C resolution), Other types: E, J, T, R, S, B, N selectable
Standard resistance (Rs) 100 Ω (±0.2 Ω)
Automatic generation Number of memory steps: 20, Interval time: 1 to 99 sec (at CV, CC, TC mode)

[Measurement functions]

Voltage 2.5 V: 0 to ±2.8000 V (±0.03 % rdg. ±300 μV, 100 μV resolution, 1 MΩ input resistance)
25 V: 0 to ±28.000 V (±0.03 % rdg. ±3 mV, 1 mV resolution, 1 MΩ input resistance)
Current 25 mA: 0 to ±28.000 mA (±0.03 % rdg. ±3 μA, 1 μA resolution, smaller than 30 Ω input resistance)
Temperature -25.0 to ±80.0 ˚C (±0.5 ˚C at 23 ±5 ˚C, 0.1 ˚C resolution, use with the RJ sensor 9184)
Sampling rate Approx. 1.67 times/sec

[General functions]

Additional functions Zero adjustment, Overflow display, USB communication, Monitor
Power supply AC adapter 9445-02/03 (100 to 240 V AC 50/60 Hz, 9 VA),
Ni-MH battery HR6 × 4, 6 VA, (fully charged 2500 mAh Ni-MH batteries: 170 minutes continuous use), or LR6 (AA) alkaline battery × 4, 6 VA
Dimensions and mass 104 mm (4.09 in) W × 180 mm (7.09 in) H × 58 mm (2.28 in) D, 660 g (23.3 oz) (including LR6 × 4 batteries)
Accessories Input cord 9168 ×1, Test lead L9170-10 ×1, Fuse ×1, LR6 (AA) alkaline battery ×4, Instruction manual ×1
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