Detail Extech FLIR Route Creator
Alat Laboratorium Mikrobiologi
Deskripsi produk
Inspection Workflow Software Plugin—12-Month Subscription
FLIR Route Creator
Spesifikasi FLIR Route Creator:
The FLIR Route Creator Plugin for FLIR Thermal Studio Pro allows you to create and export multiple inspection routes. Download these routes to FLIR Exx-Series, GF7, G-series and T-Series cameras running the optional FLIR Inspection Route, and you have a powerful tool for streamlining inspections of multiple assets across a large site or across several locations. The route guides you along planned inspection points, where images and data are collected in a structured manner. Once the inspection is complete, you can import results back to FLIR Thermal Studio Pro for analysis and reporting. The FLIR Route Creator Plugin is available as a 12-month subscription.
EFFICIENTLY PREPARE AND MANAGE YOUR INSPECTION ASSET LISTDefine your routes based on assets and inspection sites, then export to a compatible FLIR camera running FLIR Inspection Route
IMPROVE YOUR INSPECTION FLOWStay on track with a step-by-step guide that links images to inspection assets
REDUCE REPORTING TIMEAutomate data management, analyze it in a logical sequence, and generate reports in only a few clicks
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