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Extech FLIR Tools App

Update Terakhir
13 / 03 / 2024
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Contact :
Marketing : Bpk Juni / 08111980702
Marketing : Ibu Pera / 085210207070
Telp : 021 - 42803207
Fax : 021 - 42803208
email : [email protected]

Suplier alat-alat laboratorium & Intrument untuk berbagai keperluan alat-alat laboratorium Microbiology, Chemical and Reagent, Equipment, Medical dan Glassware.

Detail Extech FLIR Tools App

Alat Laboratorium Mikrobiologi

Deskripsi produk
Thermal Analysis and Reporting (Mobile)

FLIR Tools App
Spesifikasi FLIR Tools App:

FLIR Tools® Mobile lets you stream live video to your mobile device from most FLIR thermal cameras with Wi-Fi capability (excl. C3 and Ex-Series), allowing you to monitor from a safe distance and show others what the camera is seeing as it happens. Use the app to incorporate images into reports to send to customers and co-workers. The app allows you to import stored images wirelessly, thermally tune level and span, change color palette, adjust parameters, and much more.

FLIR Tools Mobile (application Android)
FLIR Tools Mobile (application iPad/iPhone)

CREATE PROFESSIONAL REPORTS FOR CUSTOMERSSend images and reports via email to customers and coworkers, right from the field.
UNMATCHED CONVENIENCEStream live video, play back voice annotations, and control your FLIR thermal camera remotely.
IMPORT, ANALYZE, AND ADJUST IMAGESFine-tune temperature span and contrast levels, add temperature measurement tools, and modify picture-in-picture, thermal fusion, and IR/visible light image blending.

Hubungi :

Juni Tarigan (Mr.)

0811 198 0702

Pera (Ms.)

0811 3801 0819




Jl. Sumur Batu No. 1, Kemayoran

Jakarta Pusat - Indonesia 10640

Telp : +6221-42803207, 4227517

Fax : +6221-42803208

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