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Extech RH390: Precision Psychrometer Alat Pengukur Beban

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


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Detail Extech RH390: Precision Psychrometer Alat Pengukur Beban

Extech RH390: Precision Psychrometer

Highest 2% RH accuracy with fast 30 seconds Response Time

Measure humidity and temperature simultaneously with the RH390 Precision Psychrometer from Extech. A dual-illuminated readout can be alternated to display wet bulb and humidity, or dew point and humidity, or temperature and humidity. This handheld device registers temperatures from -22 degrees to 199 degrees F (-30 degrees to 100 degrees C) and measures the full spectrum of relative humidity with ±2% accuracy between 20 and 90% RH. Complete with carrying case and 9V battery.

  • Fast response time (<30 seconds)
  • Dual backlit display
  • Simultaneous display of: Humidity/Temperature, Humidity/Dew Point or Humidity/Wet Bulb
  • Data Hold and Min/Max functions
Specifications Range
Humidity 0 to 100%RH
Temperature (Internal) -22 to 199°F (-30 to 100°C)
Basic Accuracy ±2%RH, ±1.8°F/1°C
Max. Resolution 0.1%RH, 0.1°F/°C
Dewpoint -22 to 199°F (-30 to 100°C)
Wet Bulb 32 to 176 °F (0 to 80°C)
Dimensions 7.8x1.7x1.3" (200x45x33mm)
Weight 7oz (200g)
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