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  • Horiba Accessories for OCMA Micro syringe, 25 pL 9039000100

Horiba Accessories For OCMA Micro Syringe, 25 PL 9039000100

Update Terakhir
16 / 10 / 2024
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Rp. 100
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Detail Horiba Accessories For OCMA Micro Syringe, 25 PL 9039000100

Horiba Accessories for OCMA Micro syringe, 25 pL 9039000100
Alat Ukur Kadar Air

OCMA-500 to measure concentration of oil contained in drainage and environmental water.
After injecting the water sample and solvent, all you have to do is press the start button,
and the system will automatically conduct the monitoring operation from oil extraction to sample measurement and draining.
With no more troublesome operations like opening/closing the drainage valve, monitoring is speeded up.
In addition, the color graphic LCD and the backlit extraction tank have improved operability.
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