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  • Horiba
  • Horiba Conductivity Electrode Stainless Steel Conductivity cell; K = 0

Horiba Conductivity Electrode Stainless Steel Conductivity Cell; K = 0

Update Terakhir
15 / 10 / 2024
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Rp. 100
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Detail Horiba Conductivity Electrode Stainless Steel Conductivity Cell; K = 0

Horiba Conductivity Electrode Stainless Steel Conductivity cell; K = 0
Alat Ukur Kadar Air

Model 9371-10D
Cell Constant 0.1 cm-1
Conductivity Range 0.01 μS/cm to 500 μS/cm
Temperature Range
0 to 100 °C

32.0 to 212.0 °F

Temperature Sensor Built-in
Length & Diameter 180 x Φ16 mm
Body Material Stainless steel
Connector BNC Connector
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