Detail TSI ALNOR 4080 Ventilator Flow Analyzer Test System
Alat Laboratorium Mikrobiologi
Alat laboratorium umum
The Certifier FA Plus ventilator test system's compact size makes this ventilator tester ideal for use in field service, biomedical shops, and manufacturing.
The fast response and bi-directional sensing sensors makes it capable of testing all types of ventilators including neonatal and high frequency. This ventilator tester is designed to measure air, oxygen, and nitrous oxide flow and pressure in institutional, home care, field service, laboratory, and production applications.
FeatureColor touch screen graphical user interfaceReal-time graphing modeBi-directional flow measurementData storage using SD Flash card and internal memoryAccess stored data through USB interfaceReport printing capabilityRechargeable battery plus AC operation
Test ParametersFlowPeak & Minimum FlowVolume (Inhaled and Exhaled)Minute VolumeLow Pressure (Differential)Peak & PEEP PressureMean Airway PressureBarometric PressureInspiratory TimeExpiratory TimeI:E RatioRespiratory RateGas TemperatureOxygen Concentration (with optional 4073 Kit)
ApplicationsTesting ventilators
NOTEHarga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu mengikuti perkembangan kurs rupiah terhadap mata uang asing lainnya sehingga sangat mungkin terjadi adanya perbedaan harga yang berlaku dengan harga yang tertera pada website kami.
Hubungi :
Juni Tarigan (Mr.)
0811 198 0702
Pera (Ms.)
0811 3801 0819
Jl. Sumur Batu No. 1, Kemayoran
Jakarta Pusat - Indonesia 10640
Telp : +6221-42803207, 4227517
Fax : +6221-42803208
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