Detail TSI ALNOR 5000 Series Digital Flowmeter
Alat Laboratorium Mikrobiologi
Alat laboratorium umum
All TSI gas mass flow meters integrate flow, absolute pressure, and temperature sensors to deliver readings and compensate flow measurements. All of our 5000 Series models also incorporate bidirectional flow sensing, color touchscreen display, configurable tube end adapters and companion FLO-SightTM PC software.
Advanced 5000 Series Flow Meter models can simultaneously measure flow rate, absolute pressure, temperature, volume, differential pressure, and humidity in a single, compact device. Additional models include options for higher flow accuracy, data logging, humidity compensation, or a wide flow accuracy specification. See the Model Guide below to find model that will work best for your application!
BASE MODELS:Our 5000 Series Flow Meters Base Models provide:Flow and Totalizer MeasurementsTemperature and Absolute Pressure Measurements
ADVANCED MODELS:Our 5000 Series Flow Meters Advanced Models provide all the features the Base Models include, as well as:Volume Measurements (displayed on the touchscreen)Differential Pressure MeasurementsData Logging
FEATURES AND BENEFITS4 millisecond bi-directional flow responseHigh accuracy (±2% of reading, ±1.7% of reading optional)Low pressure drop minimizes back pressureWide dynamic operating range (1000:1 turndown ratio)Multiple gas calibrations available, user-selectableMeasure up to 6 parameters with a single instrument - flow rate, absolute pressure, temperature, volume, differential pressure, and humidityTemperature and pressure compensated flow measurements, optional humidity compensation2.8 inch color touchscreen operationDisplay four measurement parameters simultaneouslyConfigurable tube end connectorsData logging optionsUSB power and data communicationsNIST-traceable Calibration Certificate includedAll meters come with power supply, cables, tube end connectors, inlet filter, and FLO-Sight companion PC software
NOTEHarga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu mengikuti perkembangan kurs rupiah terhadap mata uang asing lainnya sehingga sangat mungkin terjadi adanya perbedaan harga yang berlaku dengan harga yang tertera pada website kami.
Hubungi :
Juni Tarigan (Mr.)
0811 198 0702
Pera (Ms.)
0811 3801 0819
Jl. Sumur Batu No. 1, Kemayoran
Jakarta Pusat - Indonesia 10640
Telp : +6221-42803207, 4227517
Fax : +6221-42803208
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